#4: American Creed

How does your family & community history connect to your American creed?

Edwin Portillo
3 min readDec 8, 2020
Photo by Caleb Wright on Unsplash

What is American Creed?

The American Creed is a type of life style goal in which was first mentioned when the country began growing. What is your vision in life? Do you have the opportunity to become anything you wish? The American creed is the opportunity everyone deserves when entering the U.S. Soil, per our early presidents. As early president, Thomas Jefferson mentioned that all Americans come in search of “The pursuit of happiness”.

How does family connect to the American Creed?

Every individual has a different way of growing up. From different cultures, to traditions, every house hold has goals and ambitions in which they work daily on. But how exactly does connect with one’s personal American creed? Anyone who has grandparents, or parents that are immigrants, or perhaps even immigrants themselves understand that having an American creed is in fact a blessing. For example, many immigrants coming from Central American or perhaps overseas, come from countries in which their own goverment oppreses their rights. As well as their contries being rulled by, which does not allow them to succeed because of their surroundings.

Photo by Jonathan Mendez on Unsplash

Community History in the United States. DOES IT AFFECT YOUR AMERICAN CREED?

Regardless of where an individual may come from, or whatever their personal beliefs may be, their american creed may also change or differ because of their community history, or environment. Community history is a good example of how an individual’s American creed may differ. For example, private schools in well formed neighborhoods, will have children who have higher grades in school, are involved with sports, and school activities. While low income neighborhoods would have children who do not participate in school activities, and school systems may be below average, or even failing. Regardless of someone’s situation, the beauty of the American creed is the fact that everyone now has a right to it. Regardless if they have grown up poor, but want to become better in life, the opportunity is available.

Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

How does an Individual connect to the American Creed?

The United States creates one of the most amazing environments to grow up as a child. From being exposed to many diffrerent cultures and languages, to having all the opportunities in the world, we all contribute to one beautiful community. Regardless of certain situations in the U.S. currently happening, the American creed always seems to abide. All individuals work hard for their goals, all individuals have dreams and ambitions, and all individuals have the right to having them become true. This is what makes the United States unique from any other country. All individuals in the U.S. contribute the their own American creed, which creates our economy, and our freedom.

